Setup a Digital Ocean Server with ISPConfig on Ubuntu 16.04

How to install ISPConfig 3.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 on a Digital Ocean Server incl. Apache as web server, Postfix as mail server, Pure FTPD as file server, Let’s Encrypt for real SSL Certificates, MariaDB as database server, fail2ban to limit login attempts, and very much more.

Get a great Website Performance with Mod_Pagespeed & Caching

Find out how Mod_Pagespeed is working and helping to fix without the need to touch code. Mod_Pagespeed can help you to optimize Images, CSS code, JS code and much more. Continue reading if you want to see my .htaccess example and how I have configured Mod_Pagespeed and caching on my site

DigitalOcean – fire up a machine at only 5$ per month

Rock solid SSD Servers at DigitalOcean! Some years ago, in a YouTube video I first heard about DigitalOcean. At that time I was running my stuffs on a dedicated server at Server4You. After some incidents there and me also running out of space, I had to migrate to a bigger machine anyway. So I decided to move things over to […]